Vitarsi Tech. 应用

JuMp 1.3
Vitarsi Tech.
Your goal is to jump as high as possible.Youcan make 5 successive jumps before reaching the ground (similartodouble jumps in other games, but you get to do 5). The point istocollect Accelerators that appear as you go higher. Theyincreaseyour speed so that you can go higher than by simplyjumping. Themore Accelerators you get in quick succession, thefaster you goup. Bonus jumps (small blue arrows) will refill your"jumps" sothat you can jump 5 more times before you fall to theground.Falling to the ground refills your jumps to 5. And yes,fallingreduces your health. Run out of that and it's game over. Goreallyhigh and birds will start pecking you. Avoid them or you'llend uplosing your precious health.Controls:1) Tap to jump.2) Tilt phone to move left or right.
Compass 1.1
Vitarsi Tech.
A very handy no-nonsense compass app.Thecompass points to magnetic north.Features:1) Simple clean design.2) No ads.3) Shows azimuth angle to where the device is pointing to.
Iamfull 1.0
Vitarsi Tech.
This is a quirky battery level widget that alarms you whenever yourbattery is fully charged so that you don't overcharge your battery.Helps save your battery.
Super Mute 1.0
Vitarsi Tech.
Very simple app to mute all audio from your device. Goes to supersilent mode by muting ring tones, notifications, system tones,alarm sounds and music volume. Simply tap again to reset allvolumes back to normal.
SkyGuardian: Dog Fighter 2D 1.0
Vitarsi Tech.
A fast paced dog fighting action game in 2D side-scroller format.